While September may sometimes taunt and beguile us with the empty promise of continued summer (as this year's September has done,) then October comes and we realize that it truly is ending.
October comes and the darkness increases.
October comes and the leaves display their momentary splendor, than fade and fade away.
October comes and one day we are searching for those warmer outfits.
October confronts us with reality.
It is ending.
Summer is ended and the year itself is ending.
October comes and forces us to face the reality of endings.
I was recently reminded of that while reading a poem in a current America Magazine.
The poem is by Terry Savoie and the lines that pointed me in the direction of October's lessons read:
Into their once full garden that's now
close to barren, two ancient nuns shuffle
along looking for a few late autumn blossoms
to paint their lives. Covered in grey habits
& (winter) coats, they're two of nine
lastlings living out their remaining days
in a convent that once housed dozens.
Two of nine lastlings!
Word came recently that the Dominican presence at Oxford, Michigan was coming to an end. The motherhouse and retreat center there would soon be closed. Reality had to be faced. In a building meant to accommodate 43, now only 13 remained. Lastlings!
There was a time when the Oxford community numbered - what? Hundreds? They staffed parish school in Slovak communities in Detroit and when our ancestors moved into the suburbs, the Dominicans followed. Their ministries responded to new needs and exciting possibilities.
For over fifty years on weekend after weekend retreatants came to the place of prayer and renewal of spirit.
Novices, bringing new hope and life, frolicked in the wide open fields of Oxford.
Parishes flocked to Oxford on Springtime Sundays and Autumn Sundays as well for pilgrimages and festivals. By busloads they came. It was a place filled with life and music and laughter. We sang there songs of faith and songs of Fatherland. Slovakia!
But now October comes.
And endings!
And the memories and tears that endings can bring.
But October reminds us the endings must come.
And they will come.
And they do come.
New days cannot begin unless old days end.
New Years cannot begin unless old years end.
And new life cannot begin unless the old life ends.
And so October comes!
And with it time to say, "Goodbye!"