Thursday, May 20, 2021

The One "They" Didn't Get (Yet!)

Time to celebrate that One - The One "They" didn't get (yet.)

I am talking, here, to Catholics in particular, but also to Christians in general.

We are about to celebrate one of our Big Ones.

Pentecost is with us, one of our most major feasts and celebrations.

Actually, it is one of our Big Three in terms of historical and theological importance.

And it still stands as the One They" didn't get (yet.)

Among those top three stands Christmas, of course. Historically and theologically this is the least of the Big Three. Nevertheless, "They" got it.  Christmas  is rooted in religious meaning and significance but, let's face it, today one really has to dig deep to find that. Planning, shopping, preparing for Christmas begins, these days, when? Around Memorial Day? So much to do! So much to plan! Cards and presents and parties and gatherings and decorations, and . . . and  . .  and . . .

Oh, yes, and find the time to get to church! Squeeze that it, don't forget.

Yep! "They" got it.

OK, someone just might set forth the argument that Christmas really started out as a pagan feast  and then we, Christians, took it over and now, with the passage of time, the original owners are reclaiming it.

And an argument could be made for that sort of thinking but fact is, yes, there was originally a pagan feast centered around the darkest of days and the return of the great Sun God, but when Rome finally saw the Light and grew more and more Christian, that celebration no longer made sense but its meaning really did speak to one of our very basic tenets - that the True Light of the World has come to dwell among us.

And that deserves to be celebrated.

And for centuries, we did - at least until "They" got it and filled it with commercialism.

And  when "They" got Christmas, then there was Easter.

That one is the most important day in the Christian year, no question about it.

And it is so filled with theological significance that it presents a real challenge to those commercializers.

After all, how do you cutesy up something like death/resurrection, suffering to glory, redeeming love?

Well, it may have been a challenge and it may have taken it bit, but "They" did get it.

And now we have bunnies and chicks and all those cute little signs of springtime, because, after all, this really is all about springtime, isn't it?

And now those tasty Peeps are even appearing as soon as the Valentine chocolates disappear. (And, true, Valentine's Day is also one more of ours but Valentine's is only a rather minor player, actually not even on our official calendar of saints anymore.)

But as to Easter - now our young are being taught to assume that, just like Santa at Christmas, that Easter Bunny will be bringing not just candy treats but also more and more expensive, new toys and gadgets to celebrate springtime.That is what Easter is all about - springtime!

And so it is that "They" got Easter.

But "They" still have not found a way to get the one we are about to unfold again.

"They" have still not figured out how to get Pentecost.

And what do you do, what can you do with Tongues of Fire and that mighty whirlwind and those bold, very vocal proclaimers of the Good News of God's redeeming love, those folk who just days, even hours ago were shivering in their boots, locked behind shutters and doors. Something happened, seriously happened to cause them to break forth and speak out.

How do you cutesy that?

Well, maybe you do not even try.

After all, Pentecost is all about Church and Message and in today's world, who really wants the nuisance of Church and Message Especially that Message!

Church - you can whisper some prayers and mouth some hymns and spend your hour or so in your gathering.

But please, please - do not come bursting through those doors, shouting out your Message of that God and the power of that redeeming Love!

Just keep quiet, please. 

Pentecost will be ignored.

"They" won't try to get it. "They" do not want it.

And we can keep it just as long as we also keep our light under that bushel basket!

And leave "Them" alone!

But hopefully "We" know what to do with Pentecost!


Keep Praying

 . . . and Stay Safe!

Oh! And get your shot! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Saying It Out Loud!

Believe me.

I have thought long and hard about this writing. And, yes, I have even prayed over its possibility.

And I have gone back and forth. Should I write this? Or should I just let it go?

And, obviously, I have decided to write and not just let go. However, even as I write this, I want you to know that I am doing so not to garner some sort of "Poor you" responses or anything of the sort.

I have decided to write this because I hope that I am a person of faith and that faith colors my whole being. It tells me who I am and how I am and most importantly, how I should be.

And as a person of faith, I also hunger to see that gift and blessing in the lives of others, in your life. And I hunger to see the impact of faith in shaping the way you view your days and live your life.

And I also know that sometimes that can be difficult, sometimes even very, very difficult.

And I am thinking that maybe, just as in those days of old, when the likes of those first evangelists sought to spread the Good News, and when those words, mostly of personal testimony, enabled people of faith to live boldly even in the most trying of times, well, maybe, just maybe, words giving testimony of faith lived, can enable and embolden someone (you?) today in our times.

So it is that I have decided to share my today's story with you. And I hope and pray that, somehow, it may empower your faith as you seek to embrace what life is setting before you today.

The story I share really unfolded big time on March 30, 2021, although parts of it were already in play some time before.

March 30 - I had an appointment with my urologist. This was primarily a consult.

Some time before he was expressing suspicions about numbers and findings and stuff that fascinates those medical types. According to the things I was consulting, my numbers were just fine, expected and normal for someone of my age.  But he was not buying it. Something was looking suspicious and so he kept pursuing. Test and then still another test and let's take still another look.

And at that meeting on the 30th day of March he shared with me his conclusion. 

"We need to do a biopsy."

The numbers were not right and the indications were not right and we needed to check and see if, perhaps, something was hiding there, something we needed to face and deal with.

And so it was that a biopsy was scheduled. And we all know who comes to mind when we hear that word - biopsy!

But that was, on that day, only part of the story unfolding.

It seems that the evening before, thanks to the technology with which I choose to surround myself, my watch, yes! watch! signaled to me that it was detecting some sort of irregular cardiac activity and that, if not previously identified by my primary care person or any other, I should consult.

Now that is not exactly the sort of signal one needs before heading off to slumber!

But following through the next day I did call and inform my primary care person of that signal. Whereupon I was told to get into the office ASAP!

So from the biopsy consult, I headed off for still another adventure.

And the result of that one sent me to a cardiologist and that launched me into all sorts of testings and even today wearing one of those monitors and another test tomorrow and findings and results to be revealed likely at the end of the month of May.

Heart issues?

Well, who knows. Later on that one. But the possibilities are there.

And then there was that biopsy.

Initial results?

Stage One prostate cancer.

Yep! That word. Cancer.

We meet soon to discuss options and possibilities and courses of action.

And that at present is me - heart issues and cancer.

And I say that and share that because, as I said at the very beginning of this writing, I am a person of faith.

I am at peace and I am calm and I firmly believe that this is because, as a person of faith, i know that I am in the hands of One who loves me intensely. He takes care of me. He will continue to take care of me. No matter what direction things may take for me, I need not worry and, surprisingly, I do not worry. I am not worried.

Life is not about clinging to what we have right now.

Life, true life, is about being so truly free as to place one's self into the hands of the One who loves us and letting Him call the shots.

And doing that - one can find true peace.

And He did say, "Peace be with you!"

That is what He wants for every one of us.

I truly am at peace.

And I pray that you may you have that too!


Keep Praying

 . . . and Stay Safe!

Oh! And get your shot! 

The Book of Bishops (The Bishop of . . . )

 It is time to produce the final segment of this Book and to introduce the final Bishop being remembered here. It is time to share some inte...