Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Book Break - Update

 Just a quick note to inform you that the final chapters of The Book of Bishops are yet to come.

However, at present I am taking a bit of a break to deal with some other items and issues.

Tomorrow, August 1, I am scheduled for a biopsy.

I have already had a PET Scan and so am now will be awaiting the results.

While this happens, I am just going to refrain from any writing pressures.

Meantime, I do ask your understanding and most importantly, your prayerful support.

I hope to return to the final episodes of The Book of Bishops soon.

Thought I should provide you with an update on today's proceedings. So here goes:

Finally home again. This is what I know at present.
I am tired and plan on resting. At this point I have put a possible cancel for Sunday just in case.
Right now the throat is sore and needs to be rested. They said it should be better in about 24 hours but that is already getting close to Sunday. At present not speaking is best and that is what I will try to do. They went in with a scope down the throat into the lungs.
The results will not be available for a week at least so we do need to wait on those.
Meantime, my sister did say that the doctor told her they found two densities which were biopsied and also a couple of lymph nodes with nodules which were also biopsied.
That is about all I know for now.
The Balanced Life staff here (medical/special care on site here) have been briefed and will be checking in on me as well and my sister offered to come back tomorrow if needed.
But for right now, I am just tired and planning on getting to sleep rather soon

Thanks to all for your prayerful support and kind words.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Book of Bishops (The Vigneron Era - Payback Time?)

 Pope Francis - if you are perhaps reading this (in your dreams, Ronald!) than I would like you to consider a very special request.

Our Archbishop turned 75 last October and in accord with requirements for bishops, he has submitted his retirement offer. Presently we are awaiting the naming of his successor and that would enable him to enter into and begin enjoying retirement.

And that is where my request enters the picture.

When all of this actually happens, could you possibly find him "part time" job, perhaps even at the Vatican. It could just be something where he would be attending some meetings, perhaps monthly,

I would appreciate that and also believe that it might be fair.

You see, I enter that retirement, senior clergy status on July 1, 2008. A few months later Allen Vigneron was named to succeed Adam Maida as Archbishop of Detroit. He would be moving back here to his home turf after some time as Oakland, California's bishop.

We welcomed him quite properly in January, 2009, even freeing him with a major snowstorm and bitter cold just to remind him that this, indeed, Michigan.

Some time, shortly after  his return, he began naming members to the Presbyterial Council, an advisory board to the Archbishop.

And I was named,  retired or not, I was named and, of course, that meant a monthly meeting every month from September to May.

And I still wonder. Was this some sort of acknowledgement of my skills and service or was this some sort of payback for the time he had to spend in training under my supervision during his deacon year in Romeo, Michigan!

Anyhow, now in addition to the assistance I was providing parishes on weekends and in addition to the ministry I was offering to the Dominican Sisters in Oxford, Michigan and in addition to the adjunct teaching I was doing at the Seminary in Orchard Lake, I had the joy of attending monthly meetings.

I thought that was one thing I had "escaped" in retirement.

But not so!

And add to that in May, while I was relaxing and enjoying some time away in Florida, there came a phone call from those Downtown Offices.

Now I was also named (asked to take a position = the more tender terminology) on the Archdiocesan Worship commission.

And more monthly meetings!

Well obviously I accepted as I had the Presbyterial Council role and off I was going, regularly, to those meeting things that I thought I had escaped!

For whatever reason I was named, I did accept and I tried as best as I could to serve.

And now, Pope Francis, I am humbly requesting that you provide Allen Vigneron with the same opportunities and honor when that day comes and he enters official "retirement."

Give him the joy of some additional meetings.

Oh and by the way, when I finally ended my terms with those meetings, the very same Allen Vigneron expensed gratitude to me by gifting me with a book.

It is titled - Death by Meetings!

A bit more to come - some comments about a "surprise" bishop!

The Book of Bishops (The Bishop of . . . )

 It is time to produce the final segment of this Book and to introduce the final Bishop being remembered here. It is time to share some inte...