Friday, November 9, 2018

Hello, again!

I know! I know! It has been a while since a new post! Well, I have been with the Dominican Sisters of Peace in Oxford all last week and my internet provisions (at my personal choice) there are about nineteenth century. Then I came back to go on retreat this week and that has just ended. So, those are my excuses.
Meantime, if you have been regularly checking back to see if there was something new, thank you because you have added to the total number of "hits" that I show. Makes me look good! However, if you would like to avoid this process, take note on the very bottom of the blog site. There is a place where you can "subscribe" or "follow" or something like that. Check that and you would be notified whenever there is a new post. Save you time, energy and probably some frustration.
Anyhow, fresh back from the retreat and here we are with a most unusual feast today - the Dedication of John Lateran Basilica. That's a building, you know! We are remembering and celebrating the anniversary of the dedication of a building! And this is a rather pretentious and bold building to boot. On the cornerstone of this building is inscribed the words: Omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput! (Mother and head - or first - of all the churches of this city - Rome - and of the world!
In other words - this is the most important church in all the world!
Rather bold, no?
Well, this place has a right to profess that boldness.
This is the cathedral church of Rome. That means this, and not, as some might assume, St. Peter's, is the cathedral church of the bishop of Rome, the pope. For centuries popes resided in the residence attached to John Lateran. Four Church Councils have been held at the Lateran vs. two at the Vatican. This is the place where many of our great names in history have come into the Church through baptism.
This is our geographical center, so to speak!
But still and all, why celebrate a building?
Well, check out the readings for today (Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; 1 Corinthians 3:9-11, 16-17; John 2: 13 - 22) and you will be reminded that this is really about reminding ourselves that our buildings are only "church" when we are the reflection of the Presence of Jesus in our world. Our buildings are the homes of The Church. What transpires in these buildings makes us Church to make present in our place of the world the Presence of God. Sacred events within sacred buildings create and call forth the Sacred People of God.
And this particular building, the Mother of all churches reminds us that we are truly universal. We are brothers and sisters to each other across the globe. And we are also open to all; that's what Catholic properly means.
We are a family, a great big, all encompassing family.
And that Church who is head of all churches says to us, " Children! Listen to your Mother! Behave yourselves. Love one another."
And finally, I have a most interesting experience to share with you regarding this Feast and this Church. However, that's for next time. So, keep checking back or subscribe! ⇩

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