Thursday, December 20, 2018

In the Midst of the Darkness . . .

The shortest day!
The longest night!
The time of most intense darkness!
We have again come to that time.
It is winter.
And long ago in our history a decision was made regarding this time of greatest darkness.
It was decided that this is the most appropriate time to remember and to celebrate the coming into the darkness of the True Light.
When better to celebrate Christmas?
Using the rhythm of nature, calling on the God-lessons embedded in creation, the decision was made that this is the most appropriate time to unfold anew the Story of the Birth that took place so long ago in that out of the way little town, actually in a stable. The darkness helped to capture the power of this moment.
In that most unlikely setting, in the deepness of our darkness a Child entered our history and brought the Light that can overcome the darkness - all of the darkness.
Until our own time these days of greatest darkness have celebrated the coming of the Light.
And one of the things I find most amazing and most heartening is that so many are celebrating the coming of the Light of the World. Not only Christians, not only believers, just look around. Look carefully. Those who may profess that they do not believe, those who claim they do not know Him, even they are celebrating His coming!
Just look around on these dark days and nights.
Lights everywhere!
They outline the shapes of houses and trees and shrubs They twinkle through the frosted windows from the warmth inside. They decorate merchants' windows displays. They brighten the roadways and city centers.
Lights everywhere!
Believers decorate with lights. Non-believers decorate with lights. Merchants decorate with lights. Municipalities decorate with lights. Almost everyone does it! Lights!
In the midst of darkness - lights everywhere! And not just ordinary, functional lights - festive lights; colorful lights; playful lights; dancing lights.
And those lights testify to the truth that we do not want the darkness. Somehow, deep down, deep within each and every person is a hunger for goodness, for beauty, for light! Yes, for the Light!
And The Light has come to show us what is deep within, what is truly possible. The Light has come to lead us out of that darkness, whatever that darkness imprisoning us may be.
Those who know and those who do not know - we all work together to turn the night into a wonder of
jubilant lights.
When I enjoy the brilliant shows of light in these darkest of days, I think to myself that, know it or not, anyone who contributes to the splendor of light is truly keeping Christ in Christmas!
For that is what this Celebration is truly about.
"I have come to the world as its light,
to keep anyone who believes in me
from remaining in the dark." (John 12:46)
Merry Christmas to all!
And may you walk in His Light.

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