I know!
My last blog I promised to tell you the tale of the Christmas Tree that Wouldn't.
And I will do that, I promise, starting with my next blog.
But for right now, I feel I have to write this.
More than just "feel," I sense myself being inspired to write this and believe me, when this sort of inspiration takes hold, you do not mess around.
And so, because of all that has been unfolding recently, I write this and I guess this is something that I hope - as the saying goes - goes viral.
It needs to.
A lot is being said these days about washing hands and how critically important that is.
And it truly is.
And I not only add my encouraging voice to that but I put into practice what is being preached.
Wash your hands - often and properly and thoroughly!
But something else is being said as well and, as I think about it, it is just as important and maybe even more so.
That would be - Stay Home!
The Covid-19 virus, from current observations, is affecting many only slightly or lightly. In numerous cases it is a matter of a slight fever, sniffles, scratchy throat and the like.
You got it but you still do not feel all that badly.
And therein the temptation arises.
I don't need to stay home.
I feel good enough to go to work, to school, to church, to wherever.
And so out you go.
That self-quarantining stuff - well, I don't need it.
I feel good!
To that sort of thinking I say - stop thinking about yourself.
Think of others!
And evidently in this day and age that can be a real challenge.
We live in a world that seems too often to preach - me first!
Well, the world really does not revolve only around you!
Sorry but that Copernicus fellow was right.
The sun does not revolve around the earth and the world does not revolve around you either.
It is time to think of others.
You may feel good enough to not want to stay home.
No matter.
Stay Home!
Staying Home may well be important, even critical, even life-saving!
I am speaking from a personal perspective.
The virus may hit you, as it seems to be hitting many, fairly lightly. However, it is also hitting the elderly and those with certain preexisting conditions harshly, even fatally. And while you feel good enough, you have still got the bug.
You are a carrier!
Two very important observations have emerged in recent days - the importance of "flattening the curve" and the importance of "social distancing."
Flattening the curve suggests that we take proper measures to avoid any chance of spreading the virus so that, even though others eventually are afflicted, the overall impact is spread out so as to not overwhelm the medical system. Give more space to allow better treatment and easier access to the necessary medical tools. Makes a lot of sense.
You got the bug. Don't give it out so freely!
And that social distancing - simply put, keep a space between you and anyone else, especially if you got the bug!
Stay Home! Resist the temptation to go out just because you don't feel all that bad.
You may feel fine; you may not have been hit hard.
But think about others.
Especially those most vulnerable.
Stay Home!
Folk like me don't need your bugs and so, for a time, we do not need your presence!
And I say that for myself, personally, and for the many like me.
I am in my eighties now.
That makes me "elderly."
And that makes me vulnerable.
I have diabetes, controlled but still real.
That makes me vulnerable.
I have high blood pressure, also controlled but also very real.
That makes me vulnerable.
That's a whole lot of strikes against me.
See why I tell you to Stay Home!
You may feel good but you also may just kill me!
And I will add to that, I feel ready for when that time comes.
I just don't want it to be for some dumb reason that could easily be avoided!
So, hear me.
Stay Home!
If you got it but still feel reasonably good, think of others.
Think of folks like me.
Stay Home!
We can beat this!
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