Friday, September 4, 2020

Generous GM

If you are just "Tuning In" to this Blog, you might want to back up a bit. I have been recounting some memories from 1987 and the Papal Visit of John Paul II to Detroit. This series, continuing here, begins with the Blog published August 9.  

And there it is!

A brand new, beautiful, fully-loaded (including, of course, a sunroof) Pontiac Bonneville.

The photo may not be all that great but it is the best I have of that very pleasant memory.

And, of course, you are wondering what just happened. Wasn't this a series of reflections on the experience of the 1987 visit of Pope John Paul II to Detroit and, specifically, the backstory to the distribution of Communion at the Silverdome Papal Mass?

And it was.

And it still is.

And this was a part of the whole saga.

It was probably (as best I can remember) late July when the announcement was made. GM was making available for those spearheading and coordinating the Papal Visit one hundred of those (papal) white, brand new, fully loaded Pontiac Bonnevilles. Ford and the then Chrysler Corporations along with many other businesses and agencies were pitching in with a variety of packages to make this moment a highly memorable event in Detroit history. And part of GM's involvement would be these courtesy cars.
And I got one!
Not to keep, obviously, but to use for the duration of the days leading up to, including and even for a time after the Papal Visit.
I would be driving around in a fancier car than I had ever owned!
And not only were these "courtesy" cars but they were "security  cleared" vehicles.
And as the days grew closer to the Visit, that became increasingly important.
And on the day of the Mass, the importance was more than awesome.
As the Papal Visit neared, roads and areas were slowly shut down, closed to the general public. There was a concern for providing proper and necessary traffic flow and there was still another concern - security.
Oh yes, security!
More will be coming on that item but for now, let's just say that security grew tighter and tighter the closer we drew to the event.
And on the day of the Papal Mass even something like Woodward was closed to most traffic in areas near the Silverdome.
But I had my Popemobile!
And after much back and forth, I had convinced Mom and Dad to join in the Mass at the Dome. Needless to say, they were very, very apprehensive.
There would be those crowds and where would we park and how far would we have to walk and, oh so very critical, how close would restrooms be?
But I had my Popemobile and it would take us directly to the event.
They had to be at least a bit surprised and impressed as I was immediately waved through prohibiting barriers. Traffic control took one look at the bright white vehicle and, well, practically saluted.
In no time at all we were pulling into the parking lot at the Silverdome. One look at that vast space and again came those words of protest.
"We can't walk that far. We're too old! We'll just wait here in the car."
Until I pulled that Popemobile right up to an entrance and parked.
And the question then was, "What are you doing?"
"You can't park here."
"Just watch me."
And out of the car we emerged, right by the entrance.
Where, of course, already a very long line had formed.
"We can't stand in that line. We'll just wait in the car."
"Come on!"
And I handed Mom and Dad tags to wear around their necks, actually Secret Service security clearance ID's!
And we went right up to the door and right into the Silverdome.
No waiting!
And that Popemobile got us there and later back home in no time at all!
Thanks, GM!

Ok, we'll talk about that security matter - next time; so please come back!

Meantime, Keep Praying . . . and Stay Safe!


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