Monday, November 16, 2020

And Finally --- A Non-Surprise Surprise!

A what?

What is a non-surprise surprise?

Well, this last tale is about a birthday celebration that was not actually planned to be a surprise event. However, it managed to contain elements that actually turned out to be a real surprise.

And, even though a couple of blogs ago I said I would try and protect identities when telling these tales, with this one that sort of protection and that sort of guarantee has to fly out the window. I will not even try and hide the "guilty ones."

I think that this was the birthday in the months following my sabbatical. That sabbatical happened in late summer and autumn and took place in Rome. All those weeks in Italy provided me with a chance to really get immersed in the culture, traditions and culinary delights of Italy. I explored as much as possible and enjoyed as thoroughly as possible.

When I returned to the States, shortly before Christmas, I was equipped with a few words in Italian and a handful of skills in preparing some traditional Italian and especially Roman dishes. And when I say "traditional," I mean close to authentic rather than the Italian one might find in many a restaurant here in the States.

As an act of gratitude to my family, for Christmas that year I prepared and served a traditional Italian meal, from soup to nuts, or maybe better from antipasto to cannoli and we sat in conversation while dining at table for near three hours.

I think they were impressed.

I suspect so because when my birthday rolled around some moths later, I was informed that we would gather at my sister and brother-in-law's home for a special birthday dinner. No surprises were in the offing.

At least until I got there.

That is when Surprise really unfolded.

Nothing was cooking and nothing was cooked.

But there were all sorts of ingredients set out for a full meal, a full, traditional Italian meal, starting off with that Roman delight, spaghetti carbonara.

And it turned out that I was the one cooking!

I was enlisted to prepare and cook my own birthday dinner!


All ingredients necessary were present and now the cook had arrived. Get to work!

And everyone attending clearly knew in advance that this would happen. My uncle even brought carry out packaging, prepared to take some of those tasties home afterward. I guess that was something of a compliment.

And if I am recalling correctly, there was a second surprise as well.

I did not have to bake a birthday cake. One was provided. And at the end of the meal the traditional cake was brought forth, candles and all. It was a professionally prepared, store bought cake.

Sort of!

That was the second surprise. I looked at the cake and looked still again. Did a double take. It had appropriate candles. It was properly inscribed: Happy Birthday. And it had my name  as well.

And that is what caused the double take.

It was rather clear that it had had a different name previously!

The original name had been smudged off and mine set in its place.

It was a used cake!

And I said so - out loud.

I was told that I was not supposed to notice that but I did. My brother-in-law's mom at that time worked at a bakery and every now and then was allowed to take something home for free for various reasons. This item, it seems, had been ordered, baked, decorated but never picked up. So she took it home, gave it to my sister and brother-in-law who recycled it for my birthday.

I had a used cake!


So, while there may have been some failed Surprise Birthday Parties, there have also been some birthday surprises and there continue to be.

For one thing, it is truly a surprise at how quickly time seems to have passed. Just yesterday, or so it seems, we were in Paris celebrating my turning sixty. And seventy-five? Seems like yesterday! And where did all those other years go? Surprise! You are old! Or does it sound better to say You are an elder?

And another surprise?

There is still living to do and stories to write and experiences to have and memories to craft. It ain't over 'til it's over and until then, wonders and adventures remain to be discovered.

Claim them while it is still possible. Time moves so quickly.



Keep Praying

 . . . and Stay Safe! 

Friday, November 13, 2020

Surprise! Ruined by a couple of clerics!

Ready for another Surprise attempt story? 

And this is one that almost worked and, truth be told, actually did hold an element of surprise. However, the full power of the planned Surprise was ruined and that was done by a couple of priests.

I am certain that this one was in the planning stages for a while and a number of folk from various interests were involved. It was, evidently, going to involve family and friends and parish pastoral staff. I have no idea how long they were calculating and planning but I do know that it just may have been a bit too long.

Let me tell you why.

It was sometime about mid-October when I got a phone call from a priest friend. He asked if I could spare some time for him, not for a social meeting but rather for some serious discussion and direction. He informed me that he was going through some troubling matters and needed to talk. Could he bend my ear?

Well, obviously I was ready and open to that request. I began checking my calendar for the first available and quickly found a times slot the very next day.

However, unfortunately that would not work for him.

Well then, how about sometime the day after?

That would not work either.

And so I decided, since this really did sound like a matter of urgency, I would let him pick the time and I would clear the calendar.

And he chose a Friday evening some four weeks away yet!

A bit strange, certainly, especially since this seemed to be a matter of urgency. Why wait so long?

Feebly he explained that this was the very first chance he had for us to meet.

So I agreed, marked my calendar and added that if he found time sooner, just let me know and I would make it work.

It seemed a bit strange but at the time I was still not really suspecting anything. Why should I? How could I know that he had been recruited into the plot?

And so the days passed and I am sure the planning and preparing went on, still safely secret.

Until the Friday of that scheduled meeting arrived.

I had scheduled my associate for the evening Mass that Friday so as to make sure that my calendar was clear for the "meeting." And yes, this goes back to the day when parishes actually did have more than one priest and the one I was pastoring provided me with an associate!

And he would preside at Mass that evening leaving me totally freed up.

Until - shortly before dinner.

And this is another indication of how far back this event takes us. We shared dinner together and even had a housekeeper/cook!

Only this day shortly before we were to sit at table for dinner, he informed me that he had just received a phone call requesting an emergency anointing. Someone was on the verge of dying. He needed to go. And he was not sure when he would get back and so could I, please, take the Mass?

The first thing I did was to offer to do the anointing.

That offer was rejected. He was somehow close with this family and they specifically requested him.

Well then, fine. My friend with the long-delayed crisis appointment could just wait a few minutes while I had the Mass. So I agreed to take the Mass.

And that's when the so-far well kept secret began to spill out.

My associate sat down to eat!

An emergency anointing; someone on death's doorstep, and he had time for dinner!

Someone was making very, very certain that I was not going anywhere!

And why would anyone do that? Well, I am sufficiently familiar with the calendar and I knew what day was approaching and as we sat at table enjoying our dinner, two plus two began to click and I began to steel myself for an impending "Surprise!"

While the actual surprise to me was now apparent, the manner in which it unfolded was still, truly, a surprise.

I went over to the church for the evening Mass. The usual group of faithful was present. And as was the case with most weekday Masses, this would be rather simple, basic and without music.

I vested in the back sacristy, then stood at the back of the church ready for seven o'clock and the beginning of the Mass.

The time arrived and I started down the aisle and that is when the true surprise erupted.


Singing! Organ playing!

And the doors behind see opened and marching down the aisle with and behind me family, friends and those two devious clerics fully vested and ready to join in concelebrating.

So while the actual party, held in a classroom of the school building, was no real surprise, the manner in which the whole evening erupted truly was a surprise.

What an entrance procession we had that evening!

Awfully as close to a Surprise as could be except for a couple of clerics and their very suspicious behavior!

But come on back as I have one more tale to tell!

Meantime, Keep Praying . . . and Stay Safe! 

Friday, November 6, 2020

Surprise on a Saturday Afternoon

 This one was almost perfect.


I actually never found out who was behind the planning and executing. However, I do still strongly suspect my own parents. I think they took the challenge to pull of a surprise for my birthday.

And this one almost worked.


Friends and relatives were contacted. Plans were laid out. Provisions were arranged for food, a whole dinner actually. Word circulated and folks were brought on board.

This plot unfolded (shall I say "Unraveled"?) while I was pastor of St. Clement of Rome in Romeo. So that takes this on back into the 1970's.

The parish offices were connected to the church itself, all in one same building. The office area had a downstairs. It was not just a basement. This held meeting rooms, a kitchen, restrooms, plenty of gathering space.

That downstairs would be the site of this surprise.

And the plan, evidently, was to unveil this surprise on a Saturday.

I was scheduled that particular Saturday for afternoon Confessions followed by the evening Mass. 

The plan was that while I was tucked away in that confessional, the invited would arrive, parking their cars among the ones already there for Confessions and arriving for Mass. The arrival would be unnoticed.

Arrangements had also been made with some parish staff members to unlock the side door, not the main entrance to the downstairs area. That side door was tucked away, rather out of sight.

Once the door was unlocked, the invited would enter bearing their gifts as well as food, drink, snacks and whatever. With stealth they would enter, descend to the meeting area, set up the goodies, all ready for the surprise. Upstairs, I would be totally unaware of what was unfolding directly below.

Perfect plan!


When Mass was finished, one of the staff would meet me while I was investing and tell me that there was something I had to see right away downstairs. And that would be it!


However, a slight glitch developed as the afternoon wore on.

Seems it was one of those Saturdays on which very few presented themselves for Confession. So I sat waiting and waiting and waiting. And nothing happened. No one was coming. There was still a good hour before Mass was scheduled to begin and so I decided I would sit in that booth no longer. I left a notice that I was in my office and if anyone did show up, they could find me there.

And I went to my office.

Which was on the corner of the building directly over the downstairs side door.

It also had a window looking out over the countryside and including a perfect view of the action unfolding at that side door.

I watched the whole parade.

OK At first there was an element of surprise. I saw the folks entering and carrying their goodies and I did wonder. What are they doing here? What's going on?

Of course, it didn't take all that long to figure things out.

And No. I did not go downstairs to unravel the surprise. I merely watched while the unsuspecting party entered and descended.

And then I went to Mass.

And got the word  to come downstairs.

And down I went.

And I tried as best I could to "be" surprised.

And maybe there are some reading this who were part of that plot and who thought it really worked.

Well, surprise!

You were caught in the act.

But come on back as I share have more memories of other efforts at Surprise!

Meantime, Keep Praying . . . and Stay Safe! 

The Book of Bishops (The Bishop of . . . )

 It is time to produce the final segment of this Book and to introduce the final Bishop being remembered here. It is time to share some inte...