As more and more vaccines roll out and get into human arms, we are clearly moving to a time when this pandemic will be behind us. By that I do not mean to imply that Covid is totally finished with us - not yet; not for a long time and perhaps not ever. Covid will still be around, sort of like measles and chicken pox and such. However, thanks to medical science, we will be gaining the upper hand and eventually be able to get back to some sort of normal living.
But what might that normal living look like in this New World, this post-pandemic world?
I am going to set out some of my thoughts but I also invite you to put forth some of yours. Down below in this blog you find a pace for your comments. The whole idea of a blog is to stimulate thought and even evoke those comments and some discussion. So, while I set out some of my thoughts, how about joining in with some of yours?
And to start, here is an easy one from me.
Many a workplace has already changed permanently.
The idea of working from home has caught on and as a result, it will not be going away. Offices may very well change in nature and homes may be designed or redesigned to accommodate workspace. But the idea of working from home also means that an employer's potential for qualified workers can expand geographically. An additional bonus may well be a better, healthier morale as employees can more readily bond with their families.
And masks!
Think that they will totally go away?
I wonder.
I have been hearing folks remarking about how flu season and cold season became milder, likely due to mask wearing. And allergies are also being tempered by those masks. Maybe they will not be as intensely worn as during the days of pandemic but my suspicion is that they will be more used and more visible in public in the days ahead.
And Zoom! or some form of Zoom is definitely here to stay.
A means for connecting across the miles, a means for inviting into meetings and lectures and various other activities has now been opened. It needs to be continued and even expanded. Homebound can now "get out." Got home late from work? No problem. Zoom in and have your say at that meeting of the church ushers.
And right alongside the Zoom stuff - let's take a glance at what has been happening with churches. And while I am sure there has been an impact across the board on all denominations and faith traditions, I can rather knowingly speak with the Catholic Church in mind.
Streaming Masses! Definitely these need to continue. And no! Emphatically, NO! They must not be allowed to take the place of our real presence. We need to renew ourselves as a faith community, to see each other, speak with each other, share the all so long absent greeting of peace and even get in one another's way. We need to physically affirm that we are not in some sort of solitary relationship with God but rather in that healthy relationship that includes all of God's children.
However, having said that, I still strongly believe in the value of streaming parish Masses. Think about it. Parish members who for whatever reason cannot physically join the faith community, those who are limited by physical disabilities or medical situations could still be present with the faith community. Sure, there have been and still are those Masses for shut-ins but, let's face it. Is it not far better to be able to join in prayer and worship with people you know, seeing faces you recognize, maybe even exchanging those little sidebar messages.
And how about challenging parishes to really get creative with Sunday streaming? How about getting lists of those participating via the internet. And then commissioning Ministers of the Eucharist to go directly from the live Mass to the homes of those participating by streaming and actually join them to the live community by bringing them Communion!
Can't be done? Says who?
A New World demands some new thoughts and new ideas and new ways - and hopefully better ways.
I hav set out a couple of my ideas.
What about you.
See that word blow "Comment"? The number ahead of it indicates there is a coment or two. It is also a link inviting you to open, read and more.
That's for you to share an idea or two or offer a comment as well. Click and, behold, a chance to offer your own wisdom!
Come on! Join the conversation. Let's together imagine that New World as it is coming into being.
Keep Praying
. . . and Stay Safe!