Welcome to the upside-down world of God!
That is the thought before me as we enter again these days, the most sacred, most significant of all our days in the year.
It is Triduum - the span of time stretching from evening of Thursday on through that Friday and into Silent Saturday until finally culminating on Sunday Evening. Three Days that actually seem to merge into one. Three Days unlike any other in all of human history.
These Three Days set before us the World of God, the Upside-down World of God.
As these Days begin Jesus, the One called Lord and Master washes feet, the feet of His followers.
Greatness is found in service and not in mastery.
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
Then at table the Almighty One chooses to come to us not with thunder and lightening and roaring, whirling winds but through the fragile Signs of Bread and Wine transformed.
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
And in that garden we hear a prayer. It is not - "Let me have it my way!" Nor do we hear - "I know what is good for me or right for me." It is "Not My will but Thine be done!"
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
Then comes Friday - that Friday and we are hearing other words, strange words, strange especially from Someone so abused, so broken, so beaten, so unfairly, unjustly treated.
"Father, forgive them. They know not what they are doing!"
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
And on that cross we see One stronger, nobler, more in control than those in power who have put Him there.
"This day you will be with Me in paradise!"
"Into Your hands I commend My spirit!"
Strength present in what looks like weakness.
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
And on Saturday we wait in the silence of what looks like a burial place, a cemetery but what is really a garden, a place where life is stirring.
Not a cemetery but a garden!
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
And then comes that Sunday, that day unlike any in all of human history.
He is dead!
Look again!
Where's the body?
Why are you looking for the living among the dead?
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
You think you know what is real?
You don't really know anything until you start getting to know the Kingdom of God, and then you begin to discover that God's ways are truly nowhere near our ways.
Welcome to the Upside-down World of God!
Keep Praying
. . . and Stay Safe!
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