It has been a number of years now but this is one Christmas Eve item that stays with me. It is a memory from a Christmas when I was still full-time active (as opposed to pleasantly retired.) I will not mention the parish or even the year in which this took place (as if I could accurately remember the exact year anyhow!)
This is, however, a true story and an honest memory.
And it seems this memory has had its impact on me, giving me a lesson or two each year since.
As mentioned above, this took place on a Christmas Eve.
It was at one of those overly crowded, standing room only Christmas Eve (well before Midnight) Masses.
As I recall it, most of that evening and that particular Mass went rather as expected, rather unremarkable. The traditional readings were proclaimed, the traditional Christmas hymns were sung. The sanctuary was decked properly for the season and the Feast.
Nothing unusual.
Until . . .
The time came for the distribution of Communion.
The faithful came in traditional procession from their places to the front, to the very steps of the sanctuary to bow their heads, hear those words, "The Body of Christ," to speak their "Amen" and welcome Emmanuel anew.
Located in a pew, right there in front, very immediate and proximate to the unfolding procession, was a young lady dressed in her holiday finery.
And suddenly she became the center of attention.
Her phone began to ring!
Not a soft and gentle sort of ring but a serious, demanding, attention grabbing ring!
That phone rang!
It cried out: Pay attention to me!
You forgot (or maybe failed) to shut me off about an hour ago and now I want you to pay attention to me. I will not be ignored!
That phone rang!
And rang still again.
And then she answered it.
Just as audibly as that phone demanded attention moments before, now this young lady's voice was demanding attention.
She did not just softly whisper into the phone, offering some words of assurance that the call would be returned a bit later.
With a voice that could be heard by all around, obviously including me, she responded to the caller on the other end of that phone connection.
"I'm busy now!" She offered. "I'm still in church. They are almost finished, I think, but it's Christmas and they've been doing some special stuff."
All nearby eyes were now upon her.
All who were about to welcome Emmanuel anew, all who had just made that welcome, the ministers providing that welcome Occasion - all eyes were upon her.
And she simply put the phone away, sat back and waited for us to finish doing our "special stuff because it was Christmas!"
Thought of this episode once again this Christmas Eve.
And smiled!
And hoped and prayed that all of those who may be waiting for us to "Finish doing our Special Stuff" will just be kept waiting.
Because we who know and welcome Emmanuel, who truly know Him, are just not going to quit!
Are we?
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