Thursday, October 4, 2018

There is something about that town!
That's the town that comes to mind today as we remember and honor St. Francis of Assisi. This was his town - where he grew up, where he received his Call, where he set a bold, new direction for those who chose to follow him.
My first trip there was forty-three years ago but I still vividly remember it. In fact, whenever I remember, something of its spirit and the experience still captures me. I have been back to Assisi a number of times since that first visit and each time there is that spirit and experience.
For those who have never experienced Assisi let me explain that, while one can find the modern, it is still, at heart, a medieval town with medieval roads and medieval buildings. It is like stepping back into a long gone era.
At the heart of this town is the basilica in honor of Francis which stands above a smaller worship space which holds the tomb of Francis.
That's the spot!
On my first visit there I sat down in front of that tomb.
And I sat there.
And time itself seemed to evaporate.
And all else likewise seemed to evaporate.
It was like a glimpse, an entry into eternity.
It was a place to experience The Divine - God!
No words were needed; no prayers called for. Just the Silence. And the Peace.
When I glanced up again more than an hour had passed. And it seemed like seconds.
As I mentioned, I have been back to Assisi a number of times, the most recent being shortly after we had begun the year 2000. That visit I was able to preside at Mass there at the tomb. Each time the same thing - the Silence - the Peace - the evaporation of time itself.
I have mentioned this to others and without fail have been told again and again - "I know what you mean. I felt it too. It happened to me."
I dare to say it - Assisi - there is something about that place.
It can be a place where one can touch the very Presence of God.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, Father. I long for that in our churches today but sadly, not easy found.


The Book of Bishops (The Bishop of . . . )

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