Fifty-six years ago now and I still remember.
And, of course I remember, that day, June 6, 1964, was the day on which I was ordained a priest.
So, it being a rather significant day in my life, how could I possibly forget it.
Even some of the smaller details of that day still hold in my memory.
And here are some of the smaller details, likely also either unknown, ignored or outright forgotten.
Up until that very morning we who were about to be ordained remained in the seminary, St. John's Provincial Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan. Since it was a Provincial Seminary, that meant that it housed students from all over the Province of Michigan.
However, by the morning of June 6, 1964, only those from Detroit still remained.
Oh, and one exchange student from the Philippines.
The others had already gone home for their ordinations in their home diocese around the state. Underclassmen had also already ended their academic year and gone home.
Only we remained.
We were not going home or anywhere.
They kept us there, at the seminary.
Maybe they were just being careful with us.
Or maybe their were trying to make sure we would not run away at the last minute.
Who knows?
Anyhow, this was the one day, the first and last day when, for breakfast, we could order anything we desired!
Real bacon and real eggs!
And warm toast!
And then we got ready for the bus ride.
The seminary provided our transportation into Detroit to the Cathedral where the ordinations would take place.
We had to go by bus because, legally(?) we were not allowed to own cars until after ordination.
Of course, after ordination we would need our own cars rather quickly and so, unbeknown(?) to the authorities, when we were home for Easter that year, most of us bought cars. We actually got to see our new cars in May on visiting Sunday when our families drove out to see us in our shiny, new cars.
But they would really not be ours until after we were ordained.
And we would need them rather quickly, especially since we had that seminary-provided bus ride to the Cathedral.
But after the ceremony, we were no longer seminary responsibility.
We were on our own.
And so, on the glorious day, families arrived at the Cathedral in two cars - the family car and our cars. We needed after ceremony transportation because while we were engaged in photo-ops and a brunch with the Archbishop, families headed home.
We were on our own.
And to remedy that dilemma, our cars were brought and parked nearby. Someone made a note of where the car was parked and as we ended the ceremony and processed down the aisle oh so reverently, almost unseen, members of our families reached out to us, not necessarily to touch the newly sacred, but to hand us car keys and location notes.
We would have transportation.
And we needed it.
Another small detail I remember - we were informed that, because we were no longer seminarians, we would need to have all our stuff out of our rooms that day by 5:00! I think someone may have said "Please."
But the Seminary needed the rooms back to start getting them ready for the next class.
So, in my very own car I headed from the Cathedral directly back to the seminary to load up my stuff and head out.
Back home - I thought.
And late that afternoon I arrived at the door of my family home with a car loaded with stuff, almost all of my life belongings.
I entered the house which was filled with laughter, noise, music and many, many other sounds.
There was a party going on.
Of course there was.
They were celebrating - me!
And then my dad saw me standing there.
Another small detail remembered.
He came up to me and asked, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, I thought I would come home," was my logical reply.
"But you can't stay here, " came Dad's response. "We have no room for you. We have company from out of town, you know. We gave someone your old room. You can't stay."
And so there I was.
June 6, 1964 - Ordination Day!
And as it was ending I had a car filled with stuff.
And no place to go!
With a party in "my honor" going on.
But I couldn't stay.
Oh! OK, it really wasn't all that harsh.
Dad invited me to get something to eat.
And I could use the phone, call the parish. Maybe I could stay in the rectory guest room.
Have a drink! Get some food! Greet your guests!
And then, so long!
See you tomorrow.
June 6, 1964 - homeless!
Remembering some small details.
Stay Home!
Stay Safe!
It isn't over yet!
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